Tales from the Crypto

Treating Addiction with in Crypto communities

Whatever you may think about the future prospects of crypto-currencies, there is a process in trading that is very similar to gambling – some may argue exactly identical. The environment in which people trade is a difficult world to navigate for some, there’s a range of emotions involved and there is both a tendency to get hooked on these emotional swings or use drink and drugs on the back of them.

Working with Crypto Traders

Working with crypto traders is very similar to working with people in other forms of substance use disorder, gambling disorders or addictive disorders. There has to be a focus on finding out what is making a person chose to destroy themselves? Have they unwittingly staggered into an addictive pattern of behaviour through their action, or is there something underneath that self-destructive behaviour which comes from a robust negative core-belief?

Negative core beliefs

You don’t have to be unsuccessful to have negative core-beliefs, I’ve worked privately with people who’ve accrued a lifestyle that would be the envy of most in the world, however that is merely on the surface level. Underneath material wealth people can be just as vulnerable as those without.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

The way in which we see ourselves and our relationship with the world isn’t always entirely based on how much or how little we make. There can be hardships throughout anyone’s life. However, there are a unique set of stressors within crypto trading that I have worked with:

  • Social Isolation – spending long hours at a computer without socialising with people on a face to face basis
  • Crypto-communities – being particularly overly rambunctious and binary over the states of either being a winner or a loser
  • Unsocial Hours – leading to poorer health choices around alcohol
  • Using stimulants – using stimulants like cocaine, adderall, ritalin and meth in order to stay up for lengthy periods of time to trade
  • Reward pathways – The thrill of the trade making life seem flat and boring leading to anhedonia and pursuit of hedonism.
  • Using Alcohol – Alcohol being very easily accessible to celebrate wins, commiserate losses and coast through functionality when dependency occurs

What to do?

Crypto trading could very well be in itself a process addiction for some people, gambling addiction is a recognised disorder by the American Psychiatry Association (APA) – and as stated previously gambling is very similar to crypto-trading.

The best course of action is to get some throughout assessment by a trained professional. Without knowing personal details it is difficult to direct, there may be many things that prevent a person from just merely stopping on the stop.

Contact myself today and I’ll arrange a free assessment to give you all the information you need to get back on track and managing your life:

Published by Dylan Kerr MSc BA(Hons)

Simple counselor to the elite.